創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感

每年到了四月,住在西方國家的小朋友總是有吃不完的兔子巧克力跟水煮蛋,因為 Easter 復活節到了!復活節原本是紀念耶穌基督的復活日,但後來民間紀念復活節的習俗卻不完全源自於基督教,而為什麼是「兔子」?wiki 上說兔子表示多產,彩蛋代表兔子的蛋 (兔子是胎生ㄟ),象徵新生命,風俗嘛,無需太嚴肅探究合理性,就像我們吃湯圓、粽子、月餅,也都有其典故所在。非常感謝巴西辣媽 whosjaja 跟我們分享她詳細的製作過程,雖然台灣很少有人過復活節,但天天有人買茶葉蛋吃,所以復活節彩蛋的製作創意,咱們也很適用的喔!

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: get ready, the totally organic dye project for last minute crafters. i hope you are ready with the preparations, you will need:
-white eggs (raw) 生雞蛋
-an old pair of tights 一雙舊絲襪 (要乾淨的喔)
-onion peels 洋蔥皮 (或是茶葉蛋滷包)
-herbs or mini plants, leaves 具特色外觀的葉子
- strong yarn 強韌的紗線
- a needle 一根針

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: first put all the herbs (little leaves, flower, plants) in a bowl with cold water, also all the onion peels in another bowl with cold water, leave the peels there soaking. 葉子跟洋蔥皮都先浸泡在冷水中。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: take one leaf or plant out of the water and lay it with the face side on the egg, it will stick on egg because it's wet. 前葉面水分較多,才能有效貼緊蛋殼。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感 創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: cut a piece of tights and pull it over the leaf around the egg stretching carefully the tights. 放慢動作將絲襪緊緊包覆著整顆蛋表面。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: and tie it on backside with a strong yarn. 結尾處再以紗線綁緊。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: use the needle to straighten the plants if necessary. 過程中如果葉子被絲襪壓擠到,再用針慢慢挑出完整的葉形。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: do the same with all eggs. 有點費工喔,不妨找幾位親友一起加入,速度會更快。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: transfer the peels and the already colored onion water in a pot and carefully add the eggs into this mix. let all this cook for about 10 minutes. 洋蔥皮在此主要是染色功能,你也可以用茶葉蛋滷包,煮個 10 分鐘,蛋殼變色就差不多了!因為今天不是要教大家如何滷茶葉蛋,而是要分大家分享如何在蛋殼上滷出創意,所以 10分鐘差不多,滷太久葉子會爛掉,造型會出不來喔。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: under cold water cut the tights and take off the plants from the eggs. aaaand - surprise! 有沒有看到色差呢?

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: it looks so pretty, especially where the filigrane delicate plants were. 很漂亮吧!蛋殼上呈現出優雅的植物浮水印,還真有點捨不得吃它呢。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感 創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: if you like it glossy, you can grease them with a little butter while they are still hot. 如果你想讓它們看起來更油油亮亮更美味,記得趁熱時塗些奶油喔。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: arrange them in a bowl or basket. 擺盤很重要喔,拜託大家找塊好看的餐墊,都花時間 DIY 了,再墊報紙整個就沒 feel 啦。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: i used my special palm leaf and moss, but it looks pretty with other natural elements like straw or grass too. 這麼具有南洋風的餐盤要去哪買?其實這是風乾後的棕櫚葉喔,一切取自天然,這也是鄉村風的精神喔。

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感
whosjaja: happy easter! 復活節快樂!

創意茶葉蛋 來自復活節彩蛋的靈感



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